Pro Bono

The Firm has a strong commitment to pro bono work, focused on facilitating and promoting access to justice for individuals and institutions.

Our pro bono work is focused on human rights and public interest litigation.

A member of the Firm is both a founder and part of the Board of the Fundación Pro Bono and member of the Executive Committee of the Pro Bono Network of the Americas.

Fundación Pro Bono is a Chilean non-profit organization that since 2000 has promoted and facilitates equal access to justice for vulnerable people and groups and social organizations. To expand the impact of its work on society, the foundation creates spaces for meeting and collaborating with other relevant actors in the profession, as well as with social organizations and public entities.

Pro Bono Network of the Americas is a regional alliance that was born from the joint initiative of various pro bono organizations that share roots, goals and objectives in relation to pro bono work. The Network strengthens the existing relationship between pro bono initiatives on the American continent and achieves a permanent exchange of experiences and good practices. Today, the Network brings together more than 18 organizations, representing 13 countries. The Pro Bono Network of the Americas is coordinated by the Pro Bono Chile Foundation and the Vance Center for International Justice of the New York City Bar Association.