Foto de Joel González

Francisco Agüero

Of Counsel

His practice focuses on Complex Litigation, both National and International. In Public, Economic Law and the Competition.

Dispute Resolution/Civil: Commercial Litigation and Intellectual property - Sports Law

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Valuable Practice: Arbitration

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He is a Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Chile and Of Counsel at Estudio Colombara. Ha Taught courses on Economic Law, Competition Law, Regulation of Public Services and Analysis Economic of Public Law; workshops on Regulatory Improvement, Energy Regulation and Climate Change; and seminars on Antitrust Litigation and Design of Economic Regulatory Institutions. Besides, He is director of RegCom, the Center for Regulation and Competition of the University of Chile. He was director of School of the Faculty of Law of the University of Chile between 2018 and 2020; and senior associate at Barros & Errázuriz Abogados between 2006 and 2010.

He has twenty years of professional experience in energy regulation (electricity, renewables, gas natural, nuclear energy), as a formulator of public policies (National Energy Commission) and advisor of Ministries (Energy, Education, and Economy) and regulatory bodies (National Economic Prosecutor's Office, National Consumer Service and Superintendency of Education). And he served as an attorney for the Panel of Experts of the General Law of Electrical Services.

He was also an advisor to the World Bank (competition and electricity sector), the Ministry of Education (regulation of higher education), consultant to the Ministry of Energy (green taxes and carbon pricing), to the Ministry of the Environment (green taxes and reduction of GHG emissions), Ministry of Economy and National Productivity Commission (regulatory improvement) and the Ministry of Mining (lithium regulation).

He has worked on “Complex Litigation” in matters of economic law and public law before the Court Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Supreme Court (Chile), Court for the Defense of Free Competition (Chile), Civil Courts and Arbitration Tribunals.

Academic Activities
  • Professor at the School of Law of the Universidad de Chile from 2005 to present.
  • Universidad de Chile, Faculty of Law, Bachelor of Legal Sciences (2000, Chile).
  • Law Degree granted by the Supreme Court of Justice (2000, Chile).
  • Doctor of Law, Universidad de Chile (2021).
  • University of Chicago, Summer Institute, Coase-Sandor Institute of Law & Economics (USA, 2015).
  • Public-Private Partnerships: Harnessing Markets to Drive Development, Salzburg Global Seminar (2006, Austria).
  • Master of Science in Economic Regulation and Competition, City, University of London (2005).
  • Alternatives for Measuring Competitiveness in Distribution Companies in the Chilean Gas Sector, Universidad de Chile (2005, Chile).
  • Postgraduate in Economics and Finance for Lawyers, Faculty of Economics, Universidad de Chile (2003).
  • Measuring Efficiency and its Use in Infrastructure Regulation: Workshop for Infrastructure Regulators Latin America, U. of Chile-World Bank Institute (2003, Chile).
Ícpno Recognitions
  • Member, Ministerial Advisory Commission for the Regulation of the Relationship between Private Non-Profit Institutions and the State (“Jaraquemada Commission”) (2023, Chile).
  • Member, Presidential Advisory Commission for the Defense of Free Competition (“Rosende Commission”) (2011-2012, Chile).
  • Member of the Board of Directors of the SERNAC Competitive Fund (2020-2022).
  • President of the Competition and Consumer Law Subcommittee, New Commercial Codification (Universidad de Chile, 2015-2016).
  • The International Who's Who of Competition Lawyers, Global Competition Review (2010 – 2012).
  • Young People with Success Award, Diario Financiero - AUDI, Santiago (2011).
  • President of the Republic Scholarship for Postgraduate Studies Abroad (2003).
  • Fernando Fueyo Foundation Award, Best Law Degree Thesis, Chile (2002).
  • Colegio de Abogados de Chile A.G.
  • Sociedad Chilena de Políticas Públicas.
  • Asociación de Derecho Administrativo de Chile (ADAD).
Ícono publicaciones
  • Book «Litigación Compleja, Conflictos Complejos y Decisiones Estratégicas tomo I» (2023). (Authors: Francisco Agüero Vargas, Ciro Colombara López, Aldo Díaz Canales, Carlos Sánchez Rossi).
  • Book «El Tribunal de Defensa de la Libre Competencia como un contencioso-administrativo» (2022).
  • Book «Tarifas de Empresas de Utilidad Pública. Telecomunicaciones, Agua Potable, Electricidad y Gas» (2003).
  • “La publicidad comparativa de precios como conducta de competencia desleal” en libro «Derecho y Consumo. Actualidad y perspectivas» (2023).
  • “Neoliberalismo y control de constitucionalidad: el caso de la potestad requisitoria de la Comisión Resolutiva durante la dictadura militar de Chile”, en libro «Desafíos globales para la democracia» (2019).
  • “Remedios y sanciones ante el incumplimiento de medidas de mitigación en operaciones de concentración”, en libro «Reflexiones sobre el Derecho de la Libre Competencia, Fiscalía Nacional Económica» (2017).
  • “Culpabilidad e incumplimiento de medidas de mitigación de operaciones de concentración”, con Danae Fenner, en libro «Reflexiones sobre el Derecho de la Libre Competencia, Fiscalía Nacional Económica» (2017).
  • “Chilean Antitrust Policy: some lessons behind its success”, Law and Contemporary Problems, University of Duke, vol, 79, N° 4 (2016).
  • “El Derecho de la Competencia a los ojos del Derecho Administrativo”, en libro «Doctrina y enseñanza del Derecho Administrativo: Estudios en homenaje a Pedro Pierry Arrau» (2016).
  • “Chile. The Competition Law System and the Country’s norms”, con Santiago Montt, en libro «The Design of Competition Law Institutions. Global Norms, Local Choices» (2013).
  • “Rol de las Medidas de Mitigación o Condiciones Impuestas para Aprobar Operaciones de Concentración: Un Análisis Aplicado al Sector Retail.” en libro «Libre Competencia y Retail. Un análisis crítico» (2010).
  • Article “Chilean Antitrust Policy: some lessons behind its success”, Law and Contemporary Problems, University of Duke, vol, 79, N° 4 (2016).