Francisco Braun

Lawyer Director

His practice focuses on Compliance and Corporate Criminal Law.

Accredited by CAMV to serve as a Director in companies regulated by the CMF


Recognized by Leaders League 2024, as excellent in “Compliance” category.

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Francisco has participated as an advisor in various projects in the Legal compliance area, both in prevention models of crimes of Law 20,393 as in compliance programs in Free Competition and anti-money laundering (AML) systems. In cases of Corporate Criminal Law, he has represented companies from various economic areas, as plaintiff and as defender. He has also specialized in Finance and Investment Funds and is accredited by the Knowledge Accreditation Committee in Stock Market (CAMV) to work as a Manager in companies regulated by the CMF.

Practice Areas
  • Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Faculty of Law, Degree in Legal Sciences (Chile, 2015).
  • Title of Lawyer granted by the Supreme Court of Justice (Chile, 2016).
  • Goldsmiths College-University of London: World History Studies. (Inglaterra, 1994).
Academic Activities
  • Universidad Santo Tomás, Extension Courses in Literature (Chile, 2005).
  • Member of the International Bar Association (IBA)
  • Spanish
  • English